Our staff does a pretty fabulous job of Positive Behavior Support (PBiS) if I do say so myself! *Note to teachers - if you are used to hearing "PBS and you're wondering where the "i" came from, apparently there were complaints from the TV broadcasting station "PBS", so they had to switch things up! Our staff is always thinking of creative new ways to reward GOOD behavior, which in turn reduces those poor behavior choices.
One of the great things we have going at our school is the "Star Ticket" system. Students earn Star Tickets by making good choices. They can get these paper tickets from their teachers, lunch supervisors, office staff, and more. Each Star Ticket has a Star Buck attached to the bottom of it.

Students take their Star Bucks down to the main office to be entered into a weekly drawing. Below is a picture of where these Star Bucks go (sorry so dark - it was taken during a late evening at school through the main office window!). Every Friday, one student's star buck is pulled out from each class popcorn bucket. Those lucky students get their name read over the announcements, along with a prize!
After the big weekly drawing, the Star Bucks are returned to the rest of the students to keep in a safe place. Once a month, the Star Store comes to each classroom. Student Council members "sell" merchandise like necklaces, erasers, pencils, silly bands and more from this Star Store. Students can purchase these items with their...you guessed it...Star Bucks. The kiddos LOVE when the Star Store comes!! And it is great to see their positive choices pay off as they purchase items from the store. They eventually learn that the more good choices they make, the more Star Bucks they earn, and the more they can buy!

This is an easy, fun way for our entire school to collectively reward good choices. How does your school reward good behavior??

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