In my last post, I wrote about one way our school rewards positive behavior choices. Going along with this theme, we were recently having some serious issues in our school's lunchroom. The poor noon supervisors looked totally frazzled everyday. So our principal turned to the staff to try to come up with a way to improve student behavior in the cah-razy cafeteria.
We came up with the...drumroll please...Golden Spatula!
There are actually two Golden Spatulas, and they are awarded to the lower el and upper el class with the BEST lunchroom behavior that week. The winning classes get to carry the spatula around the school like a torch. My kids are totally into it. We get pretty competitive with it. :) But it's definitely helped behavior in the lunchroom!
How do you manage lunchtime craziness at your school?

we don't.... LOL
Great idea although I think our lunchroom is beyond repair this year :X
We do the same thing at my school only we call it the "Silver Spoon". Last year my class won it the most times. The kids LOVE it! We also do the "Golden Trash Can". It's a trash can spray painted gold with horrible gold ribbons all over it. It's a big deal though! At the end of the week the janitors vote on who had the cleanest classroom. I don't win that one too often :(
Amazing Idea!
Love this idea and SO glad to have found your blog!
Hope King
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